Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Transgenders In The Military

Transgendered persons can potentially lose their position in the military. Although other political leaders disagree with president’s trumps proposal. I disagree with the proposed actions that transgenders should be banned from the military, based on material and nonmaterial components. The terms Heterosexism, cultural relativism, feminist and standpoint theory will be used to support my decision. It is said that when we are young we know our gender. If we do not conform to traditional male or female roles there is a strong likelihood that others will think we might be homosexuals. Although that is not always the case. Some people just prefer items that seem more interesting to them. Transgenders are born with their gender identity, that†¦show more content†¦For instance, children assume gender is reflected by outward appearance and hobbies. As kids, males are seen to prefer cars and trucks, rather than dolls. They like toy guns, and anything they can roughhouse with. As for aspirations, many will want to be brave, and strong, in their future, in the meantime they dress up as their favorite super heroes. They usually take up interests that their fathers also like, which leads to the idea of â€Å"masculine items.† Little girls are seen as the opposite of boys. They want to be involved in things their mothers do. Some enjoy playing with dolls, or makeup. Sin ce they are â€Å"feminine†, girls are believed to wear dresses. They are drawn to princesses instead of superheroes, because the qualities of princesses include beauty, grace, and kindness. Like Material culture, Nonmaterial culture has also contributed to gender identity. Nonmaterial Culture consist of ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. (Loera, 2017). When parents are expecting a boy, there is a high chance that some of his first cloths, blankets, and personal items will be blue. This is because the color blue is dominant and often associated with males in mainstream culture. There is also a preconceived notion that a little boy is raised to know that he should not cry, as there is belief it is a sign of weakness. The stereotype is that women will be more emotional.Show MoreRelatedThe Debate Over Gay Rights Movement Essays2705 Words   |  11 PagesOne of the biggest issues going to debate throughout not only the U.S. but the world is the gay rights movement. The Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) community is being denied their basic rights as citizens just because of their sexual preference and the opinion of people throughout the country. Many Christians believe that homosexuality is wrong and that God is against it but others believe that God creates everything for a reason and that He loves everything equally. 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